The Employment Program works with migrant and refugee jobseekers to find meaningful, sustainable employment in welcoming workplaces.
The Employment Program works with migrant and refugee job seekers to find meaningful, sustainable employment in welcoming workplaces. Paid work is critical to reducing poverty and social exclusion. However, many job seekers struggle to find their first job after arrival. Research shows that while half of the solution to this problem lies with support and training for job seekers, the other half lies with workplaces.
Our program partners with JobActive providers, migrant and refugee communities and local businesses to create sustainable, long-term employment that benefits workers, business and our regional economy. We provide tailored support that varies from one workplace to the next. It can include identifying job opportunities to fit the skills of local migrant and refugee job seekers, how to develop induction and ongoing workplace practices to suit workers with low English, interpreting and translation advice, cultural competency training, and job seeker training and English support.
Are you looking for work? Maybe a Career Change? Trust our Mentors to:
- Understand what you want.
- Match with your Career Goals.
- Give you the help you need with mentoring, training and pre-employment assistance.
- Find your perfect job with a local Victorian employer, (Bendigo or Regionally).
- Provide ongoing support for up to 12 months.
- Advocate for you in your workplace and Career Goals.
LCMS can help if:
- You have been unemployed for six months or more.
- At risk of long-term Unemployment due to challenges when seeking employment, and
- Not receiving enough support through other services.
Working with us is:
- easy,
- stress-free,
- enjoyable and
- Cost Free!
Find out more about our work in the case-study videos below
Our employment program is part of the State Government-Funded Jobs Victoria Network and delivered in partnership with Access Australia. To find out more, go to:
Step Up: Grow Your Business With New Cultures
We collaborated with the City of Greater Bendigo and Bendigo Community Health Services to produce a series of seven videos called Step Up, for local businesses to demonstrate the ease and benefits of employing culturally diverse jobseekers.
View all the videos here.
M@Work Program

M@Work Program – was supported by Jobs Victoria in 2021-2023– and LCMS was funded to work with migrant and refugee jobseekers to find meaningful, sustainable employment in welcoming workplaces.
M-Multicultural communities and Mentors work together
W-e advocate, listen and plan your desired pathway
O-pen opportunities to fit your circumstances
R-esponsive and timely
K-ind, welcoming and culturally Safe spaces for ALL