We’re here for you
National Redress Scheme Support Service
Free, confidential, and practical support and information is available to people who experienced sexual abuse as children while in the care of an institution.
When you meet with one of our Redress Team we consider that this is your process, and as much as possible we consider that you are in control.
We will help you decide if you are eligible for the National Redress Scheme (the Scheme), explain the process to you and help you access other assistance, including legal and financial counselling and other community services. If you decide to complete an application, we can help support you through the whole process.
This service is part of the National Redress Scheme established by the Federal Government in 2018 in response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
You don’t have to lodge an application to the Scheme to receive support and information from us.
Applications to the Scheme can be made any time before 30 June 2027.
You can find more information about the National Redress Scheme https://www.nationalredress.gov.au/
Service Areas
Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Services delivers Redress Support services Victoria-wide where support can be provided through remote means. We deliver Redress Support services in person within our service area, which includes local government areas of Bendigo, Loddon, Campaspe, Central Goldfields, Mount Alexander, and Macedon Ranges:

Possible Outcomes
If you are eligible for Redress under the scheme:
- you will be entitled to access at least 20 hours of counselling over your lifetime – at no cost
- you may be granted a payment of up to $150 000
- you may be able to obtain a direct personal response -such as an apology, a letter detailing what the institution is doing to protect people now and in the future, or other appropriate arrangements.
Getting Started
To start your confidential discussion with us:
Email redress@lcms.org.au, or call 0403 626 805