Student Profile of the Month – Day Wah

We are thrilled to announce our Student of the Month!

Congratulations to Day Wah, who is currently enrolled in several classes at LCMS. Day Wah is from a refugee background and arrived in Australia on December 2nd, 2022. He was born in Myanmar and took refuge at Karenni Refugee Camp Two—Ban Mae Surin in Thailand due to civil war in the year 2000 before coming to Australia.

Day Wah is a new student this year and having him in our classes is an absolute pleasure! He attends our Digital Literacy level 3 class, Digital Literacy Employment Class and Introduction to Childcare course. He is a dedicated student and an asset to our group learning activities. His presentation on the Karenni history and culture in our Digital Literacy Class was brilliant! Everyone has learned a lot from his presentation about the Karen and Karenni.

Here are his thoughts and responses to our questions regarding his experience undertaking our Classes.

What have you gained most so far from your classes at LCMS?

  • Resume and cover letter writing skills
  • Jobs search
  • ZOOM meeting
  • Skills and knowledge of working effectively with children

What do you enjoy most about your classes?

  • Learning new skills, especially work-related skills and working with children

What skills have you gained through your classes that you can directly apply to your everyday life?

  • I can confidently use the skills I’ve learned from both Digital Literacy classes, such as resume writing, job searching and sending emails.

Would you recommend classes from LCMS?

  • Yes, because we learn real-life skills that can be used, such as job searching and resume writing.

Are there any other classes that you wish LCMS taught?

  • More advanced digital literacy classes, such as printing and the use of different programs like Adobe.
  • Administration

Well done Day Wah, for your remarkable achievements! Your dedication, hard work, and commitment to excellence have truly set you apart as a standout student.